Replacing CGT Windshield DIY

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Fri Aug 4 11:22:43 EDT 2006

I wouldn't use dish washing liquid.
I believe it has lots of salt in it
I could be wrong though
I ue a bit of grease ans wash it off after, I am
paranoid about rust,
but didn't fancy having salt from the washing liquid
trapped under the seal

I would use a long piece of electrical wire.
the light gauge single copper core pvc coated mains
stuff is good,
because you can  bend it to fit in the the channel at
the corners of the
screen and it has a tendency to stay put when you pick
the screen up to
put it in the aperture. Put the wire in the channel
where the seal goes
over the lip in the aperture on the bodyshell

I put the "middle" of the wire at the top where the
mirror is and go
around either side until i get back to half way up the
screen pillars.
this way you have 2 goes at getting the bottom corners
of the screen in
before you get to the top corners
if you get the bottom in, then the top will be almost
in the right place
and one pass with the wire should do

when pulling the wire. check that you are not simply
pulling the wire
through the channel
finding yourself having a pile of wire in your lap and
a half fitted
screen is embarrassing

so fit the wire
grease the inside of the seal a bit to let the wire
slip past.
put the screen in the hole
get someone to push gently but firmly from the outside
and carefully
pull the wire around so that the seal comes over the
lip, although do
not push too hard from the outside or you will rip the
seal on the
(sharp) steel lip of the aperture.
do the bottom corners first then the top, but try not
to "twist" the screen
as long as you get some/ the start of the seal over
the steel lip in the
aperture, you are ok
the screen does not have to be perfectly seated
straight away
if you miss a bit of the seal with the wire, you can
either start again
or, if it's a small bit / corner etc, hook the seal
over the lip with a
screwdriver, although avoid using something too sharp.
once some of the seal is over the lip ALL OF THE WAY
AROUND, the screen
will 'pop' into place with very gentle persuasion
wash the grease off
refit the trim
should take 15 mins tops and save you $500
I'm obviously in the wrong business

hope that helps


David Kase wrote:
> No experience but I would think some Dove
dishwashing soap on the seal 
> would help things want to go into place more easily.

> Dave K.
> Adam A. Luy wrote:
>> Hi All,
>> The AZ storms killed one of my CGTs, and damaged
another. I want to take
>> the intact windshield from one and install it in
the other. The weather
>> stripping/rubber seal is good on both of them. I
know I can get the good
>> windshield out with seal, but am a little foggy on
how to get it back
>> in. I've even considered modifying the rubber seal
so I can just glue
>> the whole darned thing in place.
>> Any tips would be GREATLY appreciated! All the
local glass shops want
>> $500  to do this.
>> Cheers,
>> -Adam
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