[Fwd: Re: Replacing CGT Windshield DIY -In North America]

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Fri Aug 4 13:56:38 EDT 2006

I thought that emigrating to the colonies would be
I'm getting there, but there are plenty of little
issues that i'm having
to adapt to,
like driving on the wrong side of the road for

Back in Wales, we don't have the same problems.
smaller bugs, less of them, min temp of -5C for a
couple of hours in mid
everything just has to be waterproof.
Some might say sheep proof a well, but I'll try and
keep my personal
life out of this discussion

> LOL, interesting info.
> damn Canadians... ;-)
I'm Welsh.... I moved to Canada last august
which explains the steep learning curve and the silly

> YES, it is very seasonal. Many of the washer fluids
sold in the summer
> months will freeze in the winter. Best case scenario
is no fluid when
> you need it, worse case it will split the reservoir
when it freezes. BTDT
> - I always check for a temperature rating on the
label now.
Forgot to send to the list again!
When I got here, i was advised to use winter
screenwash because of the
cold, but it never occurred to me that the winter
stuff would be crap in
you live and learn........ As I said earlier, in wales
we don't have
insects the size of small birds. So having to dissolve
large lumps of
insect carcass spread across the windscreen is not
really as much of an

anyway, we digress a little bit!


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