Al Streicher streichea001 at hawaii.rr.com
Tue Aug 8 16:33:07 EDT 2006

For all of the RFBs, there is a cure for LFB.....amputation!


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at audifans.com
[mailto:quattro-bounces at audifans.com]On Behalf Of Geraint Lloyd
Sent: Tuesday, August 08, 2006 9:44 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: LFB

LFB really comes into it's own on FWD cars
I think that Timo Makkinen in the minis and Erik
"strong on the roof"
Carlsson were the main culprits.
with an underpowered FWD you need to keep the engine
on the cam as much
a possible, so have the throttle buried in the carpet
at all times.
In a FWD a quick good hard jab on the stoppers with
the left foot during
turn in will throw the back end of the car out, as the
engine tends to
overcome the front brakes (at WOT), but the rear
un-driven wheels try
and lock at least a bit, especially on gravel (and
especially with
standard mini brakes)
All this and you don't even have to let go of the
wheel to grab for the
Turning Brake (Emergency Brake "over here").
As i remember the handbrake on saabs used to work on
the front wheels,
just to make things difficult.
a friend of mine parked his dad's new 900 16v turbo in
a fence post
whilst trying to impress in the snow.
he was used to his battered vauxhall nova with the
rear wheel hand brake.
needles to say he did not "impress" anyone, including
the old man.

I"m sure that you've all seen this vid, but watch the
guy's feet half
way through


colin cohen cco wrote:
> Now this a thread really worthy of Audis.  We were
the only people who could
> discourse on this subject until the Mitsu and Subie
boys learned how to do
> it - at least in the USA.  The Euro types have been
LFB for years and need
> to given their real roads.
> Anyway a couple of things not covered in the last
few posts.  I agree that
> in the older cars, pre the early 90 S-Car series
(cannot remember what the
> type number is) LFB was essential because the turbos
were huge (as in my K27
> for example) and these Ferris wheels required plenty
of exhaust gas to
> spool.  However with the advent of internal waste
gates driven off the ecu,
> by-pass or diverter valves that can be adjusted and
better all round
> software merged with more efficient smaller turbos,
LFB becomes less
> effective.  I race an A4 in SCCA and NASA events and
have not found a
> measurable difference in spool-up whether I LFB or
not but in an SQ on the
> track it makes big difference.
> Tim O'Neil's rally school in NH has a couple of
rally prepped Golfs which
> taught me to LFB but we noticed that the technique
was much more effective
> on dirt than on asphalt or gravel.  It seems that
the slower the corner the
> more effective LFB will become because it allows you
to enter the corner in
> a higher gear and on boost rather than dropping a
gear and being forced to
> change up often before the track-out.  How the Rally
drivers gauge this
> stuff is beyond me as they have to make these
decisions based only on the
> their navigator's read back.
> One last thing - as in so many other arenas, the
size of 'Mericans is
> another factor in the UA problem.  Besides the huge
number of overweight and
> obese in the population, we are increasingly a
population whose feet have
> spread to the size of 4x6s.  Thus the distance
between the brake and
> throttle pedals on many Euro cars can be easily
bridged by these slabs even
> when the right foot is pressed hard against the
transmission tunnel.  I know
> one race car driver who besides taking 10 minutes to
leverage himself into
> the car also has to bind his right foot to ensure
that the spread is limited
> to the throttle pedal only.
> Colin
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