CIS Help Needed.......

Bob Gregory rggpa1 at
Thu Aug 10 13:19:04 EDT 2006

For I5 NG - General Problem = won't start.  My
understanding is that with the ignition on, and fuse
inserted on top of fuel pump relay ("test mode") the
fuel pump will run all the time.  In addition, with
this setup and an upward tug on the air flow plate,
fuel with run into the injectors with a notable sound.

What's up when fuel pump does not run with ignition
on, fuse in?  Fuel pump does run for a few seconds
when I try to start the car (in normal, non-test mode)
like it always did (assume it gets system to required
pressure this way).

What's up when I pull up on the air flow plate in test
mode and I hear a fast clicking sound from ? for a few
seconds and then never again.  I'm concerned that this
sound comes from the relay, and when it no longer
clicks, the relay is dead.  If so I have killed two
used but good relays.

Other related facts:  When cranking the engine in
normal mode, after several attempts you can smell gas,
so gas seems to be moving through the fuel injectors
to the engine.  There is documented fuel pressure at
the DPR (squirts out when DPR removed).  In fact,
there is gas, under pressure, at all attachment points
at the fuel distributor assembly.

Any ideas?

Bob Gregory
88 90q

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