NAC: The Tightest Lug Nuts Ever

Alex Kowalski hypereutectic1 at
Sun Aug 13 19:27:30 EDT 2006

OK there is no Audi content in this post, but I really wanted to share it
with the List because these lug nuts took the cake as far as being the most
difficult ones to remove that I've ever encountered.  I ask for the
listmeister's forbearance on this post, and PLEASE if you want to discuss
it, do not echo your replies back to the List *unless* you have some
complementary Audi content to add.

These suckers were amazing as we removed the engine from a 20 year old
Chevrolet/Isuzu Tiltmaster Turbodiesel truck:

Alex Kowalski
'87 5KCSTQ
'86 5KCSTQ

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