B3 (NotB4) 90q Clutch vs Rear Main Bearing Seal

Bob Gregory rggpa1 at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 14 16:41:47 EDT 2006

--- <cobram at juno.com> wrote:

> > I'm a little on the fence about changing the
> clutch, long story short, had to pull the
transmission on the 5KS many moons ago, decided to put
in new clutch, bearing etc.  Original clutch had 170K
> miles and still had plenty of meat left...
> > If you look through the archives, you'll see that
> it's not uncommon for factory clutches to go 2-3
hundred K miles without a problem. 

--- Huw Powell <audi at humanspeakers.com> wrote:
> I agree there, in fact, the usual failure mode seems
> to be the throwout ...

Do these answers mean that the clutch plate may still
be OK wrt oil coating?  If it was oil contaminated,
could it be cleaned up with a solvent?  If so, either
option could save me ~$300 in parts.  A new release
bearing (pretty cheap) would make sense, and I have a
new slave cylinder.

Bob Gregory

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