New to Audis...Again

Doyt W. Echelberger doyt at
Thu Aug 17 19:31:51 EDT 2006

I have a 1987 5ktq with the same condition. I can give you a little 
information about what my car is doing, but I don't have the solution yet.

Problem stays away while car is warming up.....maybe 3-4 minutes on a cold 
engine.  Then when it comes on  (as you say) it goes off immediately when I 
back off the accelerator a little bit.

I did find something that partially improved but did not cure the problem.

I found a small loose vacuum line and reconnected it, and the condition 
became less sensitive. So, I suspect that I have a second undiscovered leak 
somewhere.  After fixing the obvious leak, I could egg-shell accelerate 
without triggering the light. But normal use of the accelerator still 
brings on the light.

Doyt Echelberger

At 06:28 PM 8/16/2006, you wrote:

>The 200:
>When driving on the highway at about 60mph, the check engine light comes 
>on, but will shut off immediately if I let off  the gas.

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