DIY Fuel Pressure Tester - Pix and parts and how to

SJ syljay at
Sat Aug 19 18:20:58 EDT 2006

I needed a fuel pressure tester for my audi.
I had a tester, but it had the wrong connections. Who the hell knows where
to find adapters for Bosch systems.
I made the tester from off the shelf parts and some parts from the junkyard.
Not hard at all.

Pix and instructions on
Menu item on left side of the web page.

Below is the web site write up for the Audifans archives.

DIY Fuel Pressure Tester
For Audi and VW with Bosch Fuel injection systems

Parts list:
Gauge - I already had one, try (P/N 4000K724 or 4000K835)

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