Fuel Injector questions

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Sun Aug 20 15:07:42 EDT 2006

In a message dated 8/20/2006 12:48:36 P.M. Mountain Daylight Time,  
jpinkowish at earthlink.net writes:


Hi Dennis,
049 133 551A  injectors have a dished spray end(for the pattern) and no air 
shroud  cap.

026 133 551 injectors have a flat spray end with a dished air  shroud cap 
over it and use the 2-piece injector inserts.  The top insert  is brass and the 
bottom insert is plastic.  Air is injected from the head  into through a hole 
in side of the brass insert and then down into the plastic  insert to cool the 
injector.  These are used on the 85-87 4kq, 4k, AWA  later 5k, 5kt, and 5ktq.

0437 502 023 and 0437 502 015 are Bosch  numbers.

049 133 551A and 0437 502 023 are the same injector.  If  you type either 
number into autohausaz.com, the same part appears.

If  you enter the "015" and "023" part numbers into autohausaz.com web page, 
you  get the same picture, but 2 different prices. 

These are all coarse  thread injectors, so the operating pressure for the 
different numbers should  be the same.

Stamped numbers on the hex portion are Bosch production  numbers.

I called Bosch USA, and none of the techs knew or could source  info on 
injector flow rates.  I tried looking through Bosch Germany  website with no luck.  
I don't remember what I found with  Google.

Bottom line?  Choose the five best injectors with 049 133  551A or 0437 502 
023 numbers.


Jan  Pinkowish

That is very helpful and very much appreciated.


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