a6 2.7 questions

Brian O'Neill briano_72 at yahoo.com
Sun Aug 20 21:15:09 EDT 2006

just got a 00 2.7 a6 with globs of miles for next to nothin, got a few  problems id like to fix right away, one is the gas guage, did  not  work at all the first day i drove it and i just put 15 bucks in it, i  know nowadays thats not that much, but it still should have came up on  the needle, i know these cars had mega problems with the floats, but  that should be gone now with all the recalls, right ?? or does it come  back in teh future just like all other audi problems ?? anyway, the  second day, it showed about a half tank, so i filled it up, its not  gone past half since then. other problem is the abs light comes on from  time to time and the brake light flashes. this could maybe drive me  insane, but im real happy  the a/c works, so i may let it pass.  any ideas or btdt's ?? thanks !!
                                                         brian o'
  93 90q sport ( for sale soon )
  00 a6 2.7t ( payin for it tomorrow ) 
  89 944 turbo s 
  99 caddy deville ( the wifes ) 
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