a6 2.7 questions

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Mon Aug 21 06:58:56 EDT 2006

Unfortunately, it sounds like you have to do basic diagnosis.  Start by 
testing the gas gauge and sender independently.
(e.g.: hook up another gauge)

etc.  Grant
On Aug 20, 2006, at 9:15 PM, Brian O'Neill wrote:

> just got a 00 2.7 a6 with globs of miles for next to nothin, got a few 
>  problems id like to fix right away, one is the gas guage, did  not  
> work at all the first day i drove it and i just put 15 bucks in it, i  
> know nowadays thats not that much, but it still should have came up on 
>  the needle, i know these cars had mega problems with the floats, but  
> that should be gone now with all the recalls, right ?? or does it come 
>  back in teh future just like all other audi problems ?? anyway, the  
> second day, it showed about a half tank, so i filled it up, its not  
> gone past half since then. other problem is the abs light comes on 
> from  time to time and the brake light flashes. this could maybe drive 
> me  insane, but im real happy  the a/c works, so i may let it pass.  
> any ideas or btdt's ?? thanks !!
>                                                          brian o'
>   93 90q sport ( for sale soon )
>   00 a6 2.7t ( payin for it tomorrow )
>   89 944 turbo s
>   99 caddy deville ( the wifes )
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