4000Q questions

Grant Lenahan glenahan at vfemail.net
Fri Aug 25 08:13:48 EDT 2006

1. I believe about 2800 lbs
2. I have no idea
3. I have no idea, but a turbo kit was once available ....

On Aug 24, 2006, at 9:55 PM, tmb wrote:

> yeah, i know, i never seem to stop asking
> questions...
> alright, i love my 200TQA to death, but when i
> felt the car lurch forward with all 4 wheels
> spinning, the first thing that came to my mind
> was "how can i get this drivetrain in something
> lighter??"
> a buddy of mine had an 86 4000Q with a 10VT in
> it, and it was a pretty wicked little performer.
> light, nimble, durty, and totally unexpected.
> insurance companies love them, cops don't notice
> them, and young lads in noisy hondas don't know
> how to make heads or tails of them.
> so...questions:
> 1. how much do the 4KQs weigh?  as i understand
> it, my 200TQA is a fairly hefty 3500lbs.
> 2. will the 200TQA gearbox bolt in to the 4KQ?
> or is it even necessary?  the strength of the
> gearbox in the 200 is legendary, so that's why
> i'm asking.  if the 4KQs gearbox is made of
> putty, i don't want it.
> 3. is the swap of the 10VT into the 4KQ
> straightforward?  (picture putting a 16V engine
> into a rabbit.  it's pretty much a direct bolt
> in)
> ok, that should do for tonight.  thanks again to
> all for your patience, and any answers you can
> provide.
> jason
> tmb
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