4000Q questions

mholme3 at aol.com mholme3 at aol.com
Fri Aug 25 15:44:49 EDT 2006

The swap isn't too bad, like others have said, the wiring is the hard part.  If you want a "bolt on" project, you have to source a lot of rare exspensive UrQ parts.  Otherwise, you can get away mixing and matching parts from a 5000/200T.  No issues with my stock trans so far and I beat the hell out of that car.  Did your buddy buy his 4000 already modified or did he do it himself?  He could probably answer some questions for you.  I think there are some pics of my swap in my gallery here:
87 4ktq
00 S4
-----Original Message-----
From: the_questionist at yahoo.com
To: quattro at audifans.com
Sent: Thu, 24 Aug 2006 9:55 PM
Subject: 4000Q questions

yeah, i know, i never seem to stop asking

alright, i love my 200TQA to death, but when i
felt the car lurch forward with all 4 wheels
spinning, the first thing that came to my mind
was "how can i get this drivetrain in something

a buddy of mine had an 86 4000Q with a 10VT in
it, and it was a pretty wicked little performer. 
light, nimble, durty, and totally unexpected. 
insurance companies love them, cops don't notice
them, and young lads in noisy hondas don't know
how to make heads or tails of them.


1. how much do the 4KQs weigh?  as i understand
it, my 200TQA is a fairly hefty 3500lbs.

2. will the 200TQA gearbox bolt in to the 4KQ? 
or is it even necessary?  the strength of the
gearbox in the 200 is legendary, so that's why
i'm asking.  if the 4KQs gearbox is made of
putty, i don't want it.

3. is the swap of the 10VT into the 4KQ
straightforward?  (picture putting a 16V engine
into a rabbit.  it's pretty much a direct bolt

ok, that should do for tonight.  thanks again to
all for your patience, and any answers you can


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