3 hours to replace a hose?!

Chris Thorp thorp at spacia.org
Tue Aug 29 23:25:25 EDT 2006

On Aug 29, 2006, at 8:16 PM, Chris Thorp wrote:

> I guess the real piece of advice if you try this is to get about
> 12-15 inches worth of 1/4" drive socket extension, and an appropriate
> deep socket for the nuts (can't remember the size).  A 3/8 drive
> won't fit through the brake pedal bracket holes, and a normal socket
> will just spin because there is a bunch of bolt sticking out beyond
> the head of the nut.  It is still a matter of luck to get onto the
> bolts after a bit of jiggling the end of the string of extensions
> around.
Better have a u-joint coupler in 1/4" and some electrical tape (to  
put around the u-joint to make it less floppy), just in case.  I  
can't remember if I used it or not.

In brief, from memory:
To R&R the high pressure hose:
Drain master cylinder
Disconnect brake lines from MC (and clutch, if applicable)
Remove MC from brake booster
Remove brake booster
Replace steering hose
Put other parts back
Bleed brakes

Don't forget to buy crush washers for the banjo bolt connections.  I  
reused mine, but it took some massaging to get it to not leak.

Sorry for the 3-part follow-up.


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