3 hours to replace a hose?!

L DC ldc007usa at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 30 16:43:31 EDT 2006

I do not know the placement/configuration of you car's
engine but many times if you take your time or better
yet have lots of patience, you can R&R many parts
without having to remove others in the process.

In my VW QSWs, I have R&R many parts without having to
remove many other parts, as other listers would have.

I guess part of it is the fact that I can twist my
arms and hands in many weird ways. The fact that I
have skinny arms and hands also help quite a bit 
along with the motto: “I can do it, you won’t defeat
me, you beast!!! :)

Words of encouragement: It can't be worse than the
clutch job I'm finishing off, which included R&R of
all tranny seals, including the little shift lever
seal the size of a nickel. I thought the seals were
bad but looking back at it now, the pilot bearing was
the real PITA.

-Good Luck,


--- Chris Thorp <thorp at spacia.org> wrote:

> On Aug 29, 2006, at 8:16 PM, Chris Thorp wrote:
> >
> >
> > I guess the real piece of advice if you try this
> is to get about
> > 12-15 inches worth of 1/4" drive socket extension,
> and an appropriate
> > deep socket for the nuts (can't remember the
> size).  A 3/8 drive
> > won't fit through the brake pedal bracket holes,
> and a normal socket
> > will just spin because there is a bunch of bolt
> sticking out beyond
> > the head of the nut.  It is still a matter of luck
> to get onto the
> > bolts after a bit of jiggling the end of the
> string of extensions
> > around.
> Better have a u-joint coupler in 1/4" and some
> electrical tape (to  
> put around the u-joint to make it less floppy), just
> in case.  I  
> can't remember if I used it or not.
> In brief, from memory:
> To R&R the high pressure hose:
> Drain master cylinder
> Disconnect brake lines from MC (and clutch, if
> applicable)
> Remove MC from brake booster
> Remove brake booster
> Replace steering hose
> Put other parts back
> Bleed brakes
> Don't forget to buy crush washers for the banjo bolt
> connections.  I  
> reused mine, but it took some massaging to get it to
> not leak.
> Sorry for the 3-part follow-up.
> -Chris
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