Anyone heard of "A Plus" or "A+" brand rotors?

Brett Dikeman quattro at
Fri Dec 8 14:16:35 EST 2006

On Dec 8, 2006, at 1:22 PM, Bart Oleksy wrote:

> My '98 A6 QW needs new pads & rotors on the front. I've been quoted  
> $450
> (CAD) installed, but found an eBay seller offering these rotors  
> made by
> A Plus/A+ for quite a bit less.
> Do I need to run away from this screaming, or would it be worth
> considering?

It's probably chinese steel or worse.  I'd take whatever a ebay  
seller tells you with a huge grain of salt :-)  If you want to know a  
ton about brake rotors and stuff like steel grades and who makes what  
and how well... Mark Rosenkrantz is the perfect guy to ask. I cc'd  
him to raise it up on his radar.

For reasonably priced OEM stuff, try talking to Clair Parts Express  
in MA, or at least see what a Worldpac dealer like SJM will charge,  
and go from there.


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