90 with a 6 cyl

John Cody Forbes cody at 5000tq.com
Thu Dec 28 19:25:29 EST 2006

McCohens at aol.com wrote:
> I am a diehard 5 banger junkie, but found a 93 90 quattro with the 6.
> Owner says the only issue is a bad thermostat that has caused
> overheating.   How strong are these engines and what should I check
> for?  The thought of  blown head gaskets and such have me concerned.
> Also saw a pic of the  engine and I have a feeling even finding the
> thermostat could be a  challenge.  How do these compare with the
> older engined  cars?

The stat is a PITA. You must loosen (not not remove) the timing belt to get 
to it, along with the serp belt and serp belt tensioner. Once you see the 
whole stat housing (the pass. side water hose connects to it) you can get 
the two or three 10mm head bolts fairly easily, they are on the stat housing 
near the center of the engine. Just did one last week ;-).

-Cody Forbes
'86 5k noT noQ
'86 5k noT noQ - Parting Out
'87 5ktq
'87 5ktq - Fast. Really Fast. 

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