Oil Change Instructions
Alex Kowalski
hypereutectic1 at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 21:57:42 EST 2006
Fred Munro burped politely and wrote:
>In my pre-Audi days I was tooling through a small hamlet in Ontario one
quiet evening in my classic '67 Dodge van when the brakes failed at a stop
sign. I coasted into the Brewers Retail parking lot (provincial beer store
for those not familiar with Ontario's liquor distribution system), traced
the problem to a broken rear brake shoe spring, jacked the thing up and....
HA! No Audi Content warning, but the most fun I've ever had with a crippled
automobivouac was the night I snapped the alternator belt on my '68 Corvette
in the middle of New Brunswick, NJ on my way to visit a friend at Rutgers.
Stopped on the side of the road, with plenty of tools and supplies except
anything that would drive the alternator, an angel appeared suddenly on the
side of the road -- a guy from A. Duie Pyle trucking, who gave me a ride
first to the nearest garage, which was closed. So we backtracked and
decided to ask the ladies in the female dormitory for a few sets of nylon.
Walking up to a female dormitory entrance at about 2:00 a.m. and asking for
some spare hosiery isn't exactly the best way to introduce yourself, but the
ladies were understanding once we told them why we needed the help.
Charming women at that time of the morning, and very undestanding, and once
cut to the proper length and tied with some really, really tight knots the
car actually started after a little jumpstart and limped me all the way home
on hosiery.
To all the women in New Brunswick who helped me and my friend out that
night, I am forever in your debt.
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