Alternator/Starter Wiring

L DC ldc007usa at
Mon Feb 20 08:18:58 EST 2006

Hi, all

I have misplaced my manual, and I need help with

There are 3 thick red wires, ones is a foot long or so
attached to one of the thick ones, which ones and how
many go to the alternator? Which one goes to the
starter? Does the shorter thick wire along with the
other thick wire connects to the same position on the
starter or alternator?

Also, the exciter wire that goes to the Selenoid in
starter, does it go to the connector on top or below
the Selenoid?

Finally, there is also another, 16-18 gauge wire; I
believe that one goes to the smaller screw position on
the alternator next to the big alternator power
search, correct?

Thank you very much for your time, and help!!!


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