82 CGT

DGraber460 at aol.com DGraber460 at aol.com
Tue Feb 21 00:10:02 EST 2006

In a message dated 2/20/2006 9:47:34 P.M. Mountain Standard Time,  
mholme3 at aol.com writes:

Sounds  like it could be high resistance to fuel pump/relay to  me..

87 4ktq

-----Original Message-----
From:  Keith Davidson <keithd80 at hotmail.com>
To:  quattro at audifans.com
Sent: Tue, 21 Feb 2006 03:53:09 +0000
Subject: 82  CGT


I was driving on the freeway and my car  died on me. I rolled over to 
shoulder and waited a few seconds  turned the key and it started right 
Got back on the freeway and was  back at 65. About 15 minutes later 
while on
CC I had the engine die  again. Rolled onto the shoulder and turned the 
off-then on and  popped the clutch and it would not start. Rolled to a 
stop waited  a few seconds and it started up again.
It now runs rough under  acceleration. Almost like I have water in the 
Checked all  my connections and no obvious short or vacuum leak. Each 
time I
turn  the key I hear the fuel pump come on and it will start.
Is this a fuel  relay issue or can a faulty O2 sensor cause this  ?


An O2 sensor will make it run crappy but not die - except at  idle.


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