No subject
Tue Feb 14 11:20:02 EST 2006
from time to time. I think Crutchfield does a basically good job and
CompUSA, while not the vehicle of the savviest person when it comes to
procuring computer hardware, is at least a place that maintains a storefront
that you can go to and talk to an actual person, poke around and browse.
That's worth a little something extra, in my book.
Brett, if you want to call me a Capitalist Lackey or Running Dog in response
to my calling you a lefty piece of crap, go right ahead. I'm very proud of
the label.
On 3/10/06, Mark R <speedracer.mark at> wrote:
> Alex,
> Don't get me wrong... I've got no problem with you disagreeing with him,
> or even hating him. I just thought the manner of you post was
> inappropriate. I've seen similar personal attacks seriously damage the
> tenor and content of a list for years and wanted to attempt to "diffuse" the
> post before it had any opportunity to spiral down into on-list ranting.
> This happened with the GTiVR6 list back in 1996 or 1997 over a "what wax to
> use" thread and a guy by the name of "Vaso Bovan" personally "attacking"
> people on-list if they disagreed with him. Yes, almost 10 years later, I
> fully remember it, especially because it took over a year for the list to
> get back on-track with productive, helpful posts. Back to Brett, I fully
> agree that his left-wing politics have no business being on the list, let
> alone if he's a list admin.
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