No subject

Tue Feb 14 11:20:02 EST 2006

1. The clutch disk is stuck to the fly wheel because
when I engage it into 2nd or reverse (only 2 gears
engaing now) with the clutch pressed all the way in
and I try to start the car, it stalls and does not


2. There's something obstructing in the shift linkage
mechanisn that prevents me from shifting into 1st,
3rd, 4th and 5th gear, even with the engine off.

Huw confirmed my understanting on how the clutch on
these cars operate:

"With the engine not turning, the clutch should be
irrelevant to the ability to engage gears.  They are
supposed to be <pun> synchronised </pun>, think about
it, it is always pretty easy to run a shift lever 
through the gears in a non-running car."


Would a bad slave master cylinder and or master
cylinder or "binding" release/TO bearing, PREVENT me
from shifting the gears even when the engine is off? I
guess will do for sure when engine is running, right?

"So what do I think it might be?  Perhaps the shift
linkage got kinked or obstructed during this long
engine rebuild project?"

I doubt it. The only thing I could think off is
perhaps some rachet or other tool falling between the
shif linkage mechanism, thus, obstructing movement.

"Did you have the whole engine out or just the head?

Just the head. Engine block remained attached to the
tranny the whole time.

Again, the fluids are all there and no leaks visible.

Thank you again and I hope to resolve the issue
without having to take the tranny down to do a whole
clutch job.

-Best Regards,


--- Huw Powell <audi at> wrote:

> > I got my '87 VW Quantum Syncro (same drive
> > train/tranny as the 4KQ) started last evening
> after a
> > top end engine rebuilt, and when I went to put it
> > into first gear for a test drive, the shifter
> would
> > not budge at all!!!
> > If I try pushing the shifter a bit, with engine
> > idling, the grinding would start. Yes, with the
> clutch
> > pedal all the way in.
> Grinding makes it sound like the clutch is not
> working, but...
> > I turned the engine off and still, it will not get
> > into any of the gears except second and reverse.
> While
> > engine is idling, it won't get into second or
> reverse
> > either.
> With the engine not turning, the clutch should be
> irrelevant to the 
> ability to engage gears.  They are supposed to be
> <pun> synchronised 
> </pun>, think about it, it is always pretty easy to
> run a shift lever 
> through the gears in a non-running car.
> So what do I think it might be?  Perhaps the shift
> linkage got kinked or 
> obstructed during this long engine rebuild project? 
> Did you have the 
> whole engine out or just the head?
> That area of the car (top of the tranny) is an awful
> place to try to 
> work, but your clutch slave and shift linkage are
> all shoved in there. 
> try to look what happens while someone attempts to
> select gears, with 
> the engine off.
> -- 
> Huw Powell

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