10V FWIW dept

Mark J. Besso mbspeed at maxboostracing.com
Fri Jan 6 13:07:46 EST 2006


I've had two vehicles in the past that I've done this to.  Both had 
noticeably better throttle response.  The only thing I didn't like, after 
removing so much weight from the flywheel, was the vehicles became difficult 
to drive at a constant speed on the highway.  The ability to maintain a 
constant speed became a never-ending battle to either let off, or get back 
on the throttle.

Neither of the vehicles I did this to had cruise control.  I have no idea if 
removing that much weight from the flywheel would cause the cruise control 
to 'hunt' the same way if did for me manually.

Just more "FWIW" for those considering removing 10lbs from their flywheel.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: <DGraber460 at aol.com>
Subject: 10V FWIW dept

> Just a FWIW to all the 10V-ers out there (probably would work just as well
> for all other motors depending on the stock weight of the OE flywheel).
> I just completed the engine swap on my newly acquired URQ (to replace the
> wrecked one), and in the process had a local machine/balancing shop 
> lighten the
> flywheel. He took off as much material as he thought he dared which 
> resulted
> in a 10 pound reduction from 26 down to 16 pound final  weight.
> The seat of the pants results are in and I feel it was well worth the  $90
> cost. Throttle response is much better, and drive-ability improved. The 
> car
> overall just feels much quicker. I was originally concerned about standing 
> start
> problems (read stalling issues), but it actually seems better if any 
> change
> at all.
> Highly recommended.
> On a side note, as I recall the "turkey gobble" water pump noise on the 10
> valves is a result of the belt being too tight. Can anyone with a better 
> memory
> than mine confirm?
> Dennis
> Denver

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