should I buy an older Quattro wagon/Avant?

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Wed Jan 18 00:31:17 EST 2006

At 10:59 PM 1/17/2006, you wrote:
>90-94 Subaru Legacy
>  The first really modern, bulletproof Subie! New 2.2L motor with unitized 
>timing belt, 16v heads, stainless exhaust, aluminum radiator; terrific
>optional AWD automatic or 5sp manual allow true Audi-like handling in all
>conditions. High seating position favors short/medium-sized drivers, so women
>discover Subaru.
>  Lots of minor model variations in 94 to confuse shoppers.... Horribly
>expensive height-adjustable suspension repairs in pricey LS models....

LOL, maybe ROTFL.  Definitely not Audi like handling or ride.  But I did 
have one that ran good, had 200,000 miles of delivery driving (before I got 
it, and delivered in it some more) and the body was still rust free, 
interior looked good.  I would say this is probably the wagon you are 
looking for, as long as you accept it's not an Audi replacement, just 
something to ride the dogs in (there is even a dealer optional cage for the 
back.)  I paid right around your price range for it, too, and that was 
about 5 years ago.  Definitely avoid the electronic shock absorbers. (I 
think this goes for all cars.  They are horribly expensive to 
repair/replace when they go bad, frequently more expensive than the car is 
worth at that point in time.)

Only problem I had with it was it would mysteriously hiccup when driving 
down the road, and at the next stop it would stall out.  It would always 
restart, so I just didn't worry about it after 10 or so episodes.  Then 
someone I let borrow it fell asleep at the wheel, plowed it into a parked 
car, then I ripped the door of it when getting it off a rollback 
(alternator died, but WP runs off timing belt, so I tried to make it 
home.  I didn't.  The rollback couldn't fit in my driveway, and I just let 
it roll back onto the street,  I had the door open, and rolled back into 
the ditch in front of my house, and the door stopped while the car was 
still moving!)  Then I put the front end back together and sold it - for 
nearly what I paid for it.

George Selby 

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