vibrating clutch

L DC ldc007usa at
Wed Jan 18 08:29:37 EST 2006

My experience with a bad throw-out/release bearing
showed the following symptoms:

With engine running, when engaging the clutch pedal, a
grinding sound (in the bell-housing area) coupled with
a subtle vibration (in the pedal itself) resulted.

The more the clutch pedal was engaged, the more
pronounced the grinding sound became.

As the problem grew worse, the grinding sound came and
went while engine idling and without depressing the
clutch pedal at all.

-Best Regards,


--- Grant <gfl1 at> wrote:

> I'm nto clear on whether the vibration is:
> a) during pedal travel
> b) during engagement
> c) once fully engaged
> d) all/none of the above
> It sounds as if it could be either 1) chatter, which
> is generally 
> caused by a weak
> pressure plate/diaphragm, or 2) irregularity on the
> clutch disk surface.
> Since I've had experience with the 2nd only, let me
> address that.
> I dont know the cause, but on my 1991 90q20v, at
> about 100-120k miles
> (it was a long time ago), the clutch began to have
> some "grabbiness" 
> upon
> engagement, which could be come a chatter if you
> weren't especially 
> careful,
> nor quick.
> Somehow, I surmised ("guessed") that it might be
> balled up clutch 
> material
> on the clutch face. Dont ask why, but I did.  i
> intentionally slipped 
> the clutch
> a few times, lightly, to clean it off. I typically
> engage with almost 
> no slip, and
> match revs once moving.
> Fixed.  no noticeable wear.  2nd owner is still on
> that clutch at ~200k.
> I drove it about a month ago.
> YMMV, and probably will, but its one more random
> thought to put into 
> your filter.
> Grant
> On Jan 15, 2006, at 12:00 PM,
> quattro-request at wrote:
> > From: TooManyAudis at
> > Date: January 14, 2006 11:09:02 PM EST
> > To: 200q20v at, quattro at
> > Subject: Vibrating Clutch
> >
> >
> > I just got bock home to Charleston, SC from a trip
> to Orlando in my 91 
> >  200q.
> >  No problems on the drive until....  I got back
> into the drivers  seat 
> > after
> > letting a friend drive for 250 miles or so.
> >
> > There was noticeable vibration in the clutch as I
> pulled back onto the 
> >  road.
> >  I didn't get the vibration each time I depressed
> the clutch, but  
> > about 60%
> > or so.  Sometimes just when I was releasing the
> clutch after  changing 
> > gears,
> > other times both on the down stroke and again on
> the up stroke,  and a 
> > few
> > times no vibration at all.
> >
> > Note, that this was not happening before my friend
> took the wheel -- I 
> >  don't
> > think he was the cause, just coincidence as he has
> owned a Porsche 
> > 911, a
> > Scirocco and several other manual tranny cars in
> the past.  I simply am
> > deflecting blame from myself.
> >
> > Any thoughts?
> >
> > -- Tom
> >
> > Isle of Palms, SC
> > 91 200q
> > 88 80q
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