90Q head / lifter questions

Ben Swann benswann at comcast.net
Mon Jan 23 11:53:28 EST 2006

The two that smoosh should be replaced - I have gotten these for as low as 
$7 each and you should pay nom more than $100 for the set of 10.  Good idea 
to replace all at one.

Now is the time to install a performance cam:


I've seen a couple of Blaus for around that as well.

Good Idea to lap the valves and they may need cleaning/grinding.  Best to do 
all this now while you have the head off.

I had to mod a pair of small pliers to pull the old seals out - ground down 
the outside so it would clear and wrapped outsind with ductap so it would 
not scratch the lifter bores.  I for get what size, but used a small long 
socket to assist with pusing the new seal on.


[Date: Mon, 23 Jan 2006 14:58:08 +1300
From: duncan <duncan at systemcontrols.co.nz>
Subject: 90Q head / lifter questions
To: "quattro at audifans.com" <quattro at audifans.com>
Message-ID: <43D43830.2030008 at systemcontrols.co.nz>
Content-Type: text/plain; format=flowed; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi guys,

In the middle of a head gasket job, and have a few 'while I'm in there's
to attend to...

I have the head off my 90Q (KV engine), and the lifters out. 8 are very
stiff, to the point of not moving, and 2 are very soft (easy to
compress). First guess is that the soft ones are bad. Are the others
supposed to be this stiff though, or are they seized? Just looking for
confirmation here.

Also, what's the best place to pick up some new lifters? Dealer rates
are just too much to replace all 10.
Looking at replacing valve guides too, at least for the exhaust valves.
Are these just press out, press in?

While I'm at it, does anyone have a reference to how much the CR will
raise vs. thickness skimmed off the head?


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