Odometer quit, electronic version in 89 100

Dave C dconner at gmail.com
Tue Jan 24 22:25:43 EST 2006

I finally succeeded in getting the needle off the shaft >without< breaking
it ... yipppeee!

It cannot be simply pried off the shaft without doing damage.  The deal is
that it's a plastic needle fused onto the shaft.  Glued on top of it is a
black plastic cap.  The cap can be carefully pried off in one piece.  The
needle can be removed by  heating the end of the shaft with a soldering iron
til the plastic needle softens, then prying it off.  Replacement is the
reverse ... heat the shaft then push the needle back on.

I found the damaged gear.  I believe it's the one shown on this page
http://www.carradio.com/speedometer_gears.html labeled as VOLVO, AUDI,

$28 seems kind of steep for such an itty bitty 7 mm diameter part.  Can
anyone suggest a better source?
Dave C.

On 1/21/06, Dave C <dconner at gmail.com> wrote:
> In my 89 100 the electronic odometer quit working, both regular and trip.
> Speedometer continues to work OK.  I checked the wiring connector on the
> transmission and it looks OK.  Any ideas what to check next?
> - -
> Dave C.

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