putting a auto trans in a '91 20VTQA

Kent McLean kentmclean at mindspring.com
Wed Jan 25 15:51:05 EST 2006

Mike LaRosa wrote:
> 92+ model 100 avants did come without quattro,
> although
> they are somewhat rare..  I think kent has one ?
> shields up...  they are somewhat more reliable too,
> if you swap out the leaky v6 you'd be that much
> further 
> ahead ;)
> shields down...

<Ready Photon torpedo...>
Hey! Yes, I have a 100 S Avant, front wheel drive, V6,
automatic.  It has been 10x more reliable than my
"old" '89 200 TQ, although both were within a year of
each other (age-wise) when I bought them.  My 10VT left
me stranded a few times, the 100 Avant not yet :), knock
on Audi wood veneer.  For reliability, I'd take a mid-90s
100/A6 over a late 80s 100/200. Put a '95.5 S6 Avant in
my garage (give me that garage while you are at it), and
I'd be a very happy camper.

Audi did make a 200 Turbo automatic front wheel drive.
An '89 was the first Audi model I looked at. I think
Fay (the Ice Queen?) also had one. When I was looking
at mine, I asked the list, "What do you think?" and
got a dozen replies to run away from it, as the 200
automatics are problematic.  That said, who am I to
discourage JordanVW's dream?

Kent McLean
'94 100 S Avant, "Moody"
'89 200 TQ, "Bad Puppy" up in smoke


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