re.putting a auto trans in a '91 20VTQA

JordanVw at JordanVw at
Wed Jan 25 17:50:17 EST 2006

In a message dated 1/25/06 1:50:21 PM Eastern Standard Time, 
benswann at writes:

> IMO sounds like an awful waste of time and ruination of an otherwise nice 
> car.  there are plenty of fwd automatic cars out there, wagons too and some 
> even have decnt interiors - maybe not quite up to Audi standards, but this 
> sounds like way too much trouble.
> If you do go with this, I am pretty sure you'll need to install a auto trans 
> from a V8 so it can take the torque.

hi ben, i wouldnt consider it a "ruination", i would be tailoring it to fit 
my wants, and i want a 5cyl turbo automatic wagon.   i figured id get some flak 
from you die hard manual trans guys :<)   ben, i remember you were here at my 
place once - i think you drove your pearl 5kTQA, and i had my '84 5kT 
automatic then (was wrecked in april 99, some of you remember the pictures - that car 
saved my life), i have a 86 5kT automatic now. ive had TQ's but they just 
come and go..i dont keep them. 
there is another guy i know from VW Vortex who is in NJ with a 86 5kT auto, 
who has chipped it, added the WG spring, and a FMIC, etc. and his auto tranny 
is fine. its all how you drive the car, if your sensable then the 3spd Auto can 
take it.  if you beat the snot out of it, then you will have problems, i dont 
race my cars.   i even asked chris semple what he thought about chipping a 
5kT auto, and he said as well its all about how you drive.   i was merely 
throwing ideas out there, this has been a big reason why i never bought a '91 20v, i 
just dont want to drive a manual trans car as a daily driver, yet i love the 
way the type44T handles.   i get this all the time.. "nice car" people say.. 
and then they say "ewww, its an automatic"   too bad!   i dont care..
i drove a '98 passat wagon with the 1.8T and tiptronic auto tranny and it 
seemed fo have severe turbo lag.   so i still have my 5kt since i havent found 
anything better.  

as far as a "waste of time"  basically anything is a "waste of time" with 
these older audis, we all know they are done depreciating and arent technically 
worth much of anything to the average person or on the market, only us audi 
freaks. .  i certainly wouldnt do something like this to "add to the resale 
value"  LOL  :<)  thanks for your input and if anyone wants to add more i'd love to 
hear it :<)

'86 5kT Automatic  (my only audi!)

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