Clutch bleed

Max Hoepli mhoepli at
Sun Jan 29 14:07:49 EST 2006

Maybe air got into hose from reservoir to clutch master cylinder, this hose
is high up on reservoir, should be much fluid in brake reservoir

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Chris Perry" <cgperry42 at>
To: "Quattro" <quattro at>
Sent: 29, January 2006 13:36
Subject: Clutch bleed

> Hey all,
> I did a brake bleed job (normal two-person, pump-the-pedal method) on my
> 90q yesterday and it went super.  I then tried to bleed the clutch slave
> cylinder and on the initial pedal pump I got a nice lot of nasty fluid and
> then the clutch pedal stayed on the floor. I can pull it up by hand but
> I push it, it goes to the floor rapidly with no resistance. I rigged up a
> quick pressure bleed system (positive pressure on the brake fluid
> and was able to get the remaining old fluid out of the clutch system but
> still no pedal.  I then tried reverse bleeding by attaching a hose between
> the LF brake caliper and the clutch slave. I must have pumped the brakes
> over a hundred times and still no clutch pedal.
> The whole system worked fine before the flush so I wouldn’t expect the
> master or slave cylinder to have gone bad but…
> Did I miss something in the procedure?  Any BTDT?  I’ve done lots of brake
> bleeds but this is the first hydraulic clutch I’ve had. I searched the
> archives but the only references I found were for the above mentioned
> reverse-bleed tip and a lot of bad master/slave cylinder references.
> Also, while I had the brake caliper attached to the clutch bleeder valve,
> noticed I could not push the brake pedal all the way to the floor.  It
> go down varying degrees of travel before feeling like it was hitting
> something hard. Sometimes it went further than others.  It was a different
> feel than the normal end-of-travel pedal feel.
> Any suggestions?
> Thanks,
> Chris Perry
> 89 90q 200K miles, runs great, won’t move…
> -- 
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