Clutch bleed

Fred Munro munrof at
Sun Jan 29 21:05:20 EST 2006


The clutch circuit can be a problem to bleed. When I replaced the clutch
master cylinder on my S4 I ended up pressure reverse-bleeding it  (fluid
going into the slave and coming out in the brake fluid reservoir) with the
pedal down and then with the pedal up. This seemed to work after several
tries and gave me enough of a pedal to work the clutch. Pedal feel improved
with use over the next day until it was back to normal.


Fred Munro
'94 S4

-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-bounces at [mailto:quattro-bounces at]On
Behalf Of Chris Perry
Sent: January 29, 2006 1:37 PM
To: Quattro
Subject: Clutch bleed

Hey all,

I did a brake bleed job (normal two-person, pump-the-pedal method) on my 89
90q yesterday and it went super.  I then tried to bleed the clutch slave
cylinder and on the initial pedal pump I got a nice lot of nasty fluid and
then the clutch pedal stayed on the floor. I can pull it up by hand but when
I push it, it goes to the floor rapidly with no resistance. I rigged up a
quick pressure bleed system (positive pressure on the brake fluid reservoir)
and was able to get the remaining old fluid out of the clutch system but
still no pedal.  I then tried reverse bleeding by attaching a hose between
the LF brake caliper and the clutch slave. I must have pumped the brakes
over a hundred times and still no clutch pedal.

The whole system worked fine before the flush so I wouldn’t expect the
master or slave cylinder to have gone bad but…

Did I miss something in the procedure?  Any BTDT?  I’ve done lots of brake
bleeds but this is the first hydraulic clutch I’ve had. I searched the
archives but the only references I found were for the above mentioned
reverse-bleed tip and a lot of bad master/slave cylinder references.

Also, while I had the brake caliper attached to the clutch bleeder valve, I
noticed I could not push the brake pedal all the way to the floor.  It would
go down varying degrees of travel before feeling like it was hitting
something hard. Sometimes it went further than others.  It was a different
feel than the normal end-of-travel pedal feel.

Any suggestions?


Chris Perry

89 90q 200K miles, runs great, won’t move…

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