4kq hesitiation
Grant Lenahan
glenahan at fastmail.fm
Sat Jul 1 08:42:59 EDT 2006
Maybe. Typically, they just have a momentary drop out while running,
which become more frequent.
Sounds oxygen sensor- like to me.
On Jul 1, 2006, at 12:08 AM, Nathan Ray wrote:
> I accidentally sent this to the marketplace first, so sorry to whoever
> has to read it there. Yesterday my 4kq started to idle roughly and
> hesitated for several seconds anytime I try to accelerate. While
> doing this the motor shakes the car pretty hard. The fuel pump has
> buzzed for the past few years and I suspect that it has finally
> stopped producing sufficient pressure. Is this typically what happens
> when a fuel pump goes bad? Hopefully you guys can give me some
> insight before I go get a pump if that isn't the problem.
> Thanks
> Nate Ray
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