Clutch job

L DC ldc007usa at
Mon Jul 3 15:05:08 EDT 2006

Hi again Kneale.

Yes, the flange seals can be replaced with the tranny
in place. But obviously a lot easier while tranny is
out since one is not constricted by space.

The tranny in my QSW was literally cover with sludge,
dried and semi-dried, as thick as 1/4 inch, so there
was no guessing about changing the seals.

Don't hesitate to get that Advance Discount Auto Parts
pilot bearing puller loaner if your method is futile.
I think it was $34 bucks while in my possession, which
I got back provided you return the tool before 30 or
45 days. 

-Take care and remember that safety comes first!!


--- Kneale Brownson <kneale at> wrote:

> Thanks, Louis.  I'm replacing one outer boot on one
> axle also, as well as
> the rear main seal.  The rest of the tranny looks
> unusually (to me--most of
> my half dozen quattro cars have somewhat greasey
> differentials) dry/clean,
> so I didn't figure I needed to do those seals.   And
> I believe the flange
> seals can be replaced with the tranny in place if
> they develop leaks later,
> can't they?   The car had a clutch master and slave
> replacement just six
> months ago,  according to the records I got with it,
>   so I figured that'd
> be OK too.  The records also show a driveshaft
> rebuild and tranny mount
> replacements maybe 50K miles ago.
> Regards, Kneale

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