200TQA boost sensing question

tmb the_questionist at yahoo.com
Mon Jul 3 18:20:35 EDT 2006

hey all.

i've been fiddling around with various devices on
my  late 89 200TQA to see if i can safely extract
a little power from the motor.

i don't know if this info helps, but the build
date is feb 1989, and it's got 2 knock sensors,
and a MAC-14 ECU.

anyways, i've been playing around with different
WG springs, and i've hit a wall.  there is
something in the system that is telling the ECU
to shut the power down at 1.7BAR.

to help figure out exactly what is responsible
for shutting the fun down, i've completely
disconnected the boost cut-off switch.  i don't
recall it's proper name at the moment, but it's
the unit that has a number of vacuum hoses going
to it, notably one from the turbo.

even tho i've disconnected this device, things
are still getting shut down at 1.7BAR.  why? 
what else is sensing boost and shutting things

also, is it safe to say that it's the fuel pump
that's being turned off?  or is there something
else that is cutting power?

thanks in advance, everyone!


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