Another approach to getting keys

Andrew Buc AndrewBuc at
Sat Jul 22 13:51:59 EDT 2006

I recently learned of this outfit on another car-oriented listserv and 
used their services:

They offer a service that I'd never heard of: You send them a good 
close-up digital photo of your key, and they reverse-engineer the code, 
which they provide for your future reference, along with the finished 
keys. It's like getting a brand new OEM key, without the accumulated 
wear. The keys for my recently acquired '84 VW Quantum turbodiesel 
(didn't know there was such an animal until I saw this one advertised!) 
worked OK, but they clearly weren't the originals, and when I had a 
dupe made, the locksmith commented on the fact that one key was 
slightly twisted.

Keys4classics sent me 2 keys for just under US$30. Airmail from 
Canberra to Seattle was 6 days. They keys worked perfectly from the 

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