A/C compressor clutch removal tool

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sun Jul 23 12:31:17 EDT 2006

Local FLAPS had the tool for rental at like $25 (since I hadn't purchased
the replacement clutch from them) or I could buy the one they had that had
been used a time or two for $40.  I did the latter because I have several
cars with that compressor.  It has two different size threads, which is
good because the OEM clutch required one size and the replacement "Audi"
part for my 200q20v had a different one.  Their "Made in Taiwan" tool was
called a "27005".

At 08:48 AM 7/23/2006 -0400, Dave C wrote:
>Patient is an 89 100 with Nippondenso compressor ...  According to Scott
>Mockry's helpful hints at
>... it seems my clutch pulley bearing is bad and can be replaced without
>removing the compressor.  Scott says " ... the front face of  the compressor
>clutch can be pulled off after removing the nut and lock washer."   I've
>removed the nut and lock washer but it appears a special tool is needed to
>remove the front face.  Bentley says this tool would be the expensive ($100
>+) VW1623, similar to a bicycle crank puller which some people say actually
>works.  But crank pullers are availabe with various threads and the one I
>have is too small.
>Can anyone tell me a specific tool that would work for A/C clutch removal?
>Something other than the VW tool mentioned in Bentley?

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