coolant hose question, marginal Audi content

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at
Sun Jul 23 18:46:26 EDT 2006

I had a 98 passat 1.9 tdi in france.

i took the front end off (bumper, slam panel, lights
etc) a couple of
times to do the cam belt / tensioners and changed the
G12 while i was
there 'co it was easier to drain the coolant system
and remove the rad
than it was to attempt to work with it in place.
i suspect that anyone who has tried changing the
cambelt on a Passat, A4
or A6 will probably agree

anyway, the coolant hose clips were the kind of spring
loaded circular
band clamps that you need pliers to remove, not
traditional screwdriver
jubilee clips
i guess that the mechanic means that these are
i still use these on the 87 golf so don't have any
complaint about
reliability although i wouldn't be too surprised to
see some dried
coolant around the joints.
unfortunately, you can't 'just tighten them up a bit'
, but you can swap
them for normal jubilee clips.


Although i couldn't really say for sure without see in
the the car, but
i think that the gas station guy may be talking out of
his bottom

i guess that your advice to take it to a dealership en
route is the best

hope that helps

DeWitt Harrison wrote:
> My son is about to drive his 1.8T 1999 Passat -
> platform as same vintage A4, yes? - from L.A. to
> Denver. He had some gas station guy look at the
> and hoses. Gas station guy says, based on orange
> colored, dried coolant residue around a few of the
> hose ends that hoses and hose 'gaskets' need to be
> changed.
> What's this radiator hose 'gasket' business? Makes
> sense to me. Maybe my son misunderstood and the
> guy was talking about the gaskets at some aluminum
> hose flange or other? I'd just like an A4
> person to verify that the hoses themselves do not
> have associated 'gaskets'. Just hose clamps. Btw,
> what tool is needed to tighten the clamps? 7mm hex?
> He managed to leave this until the last minute so
> he has no time to seek competent VW service. So far,
> my advice to him is to stop by a dealership on the
> out of town and pick up a set of spare hoses to take
> with.
> Thanks for any counsel in this matter,
> DeWitt Harrison
> '88 5kcstq
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