Anyone near Commerce City, CO 80022 ?

I.S. Gall isgall at
Sun Jul 23 19:26:46 EDT 2006

I've convinced my dad to put his old 87 5ktqa out to pasture @ ~260k
after a tree fell on it this winter and forcing him to let it sit.

I've convinced him that a 91 200q20v avant is the best thing out there
for the type 44 body style which he loves. My mother was trying to
sell him into a 2001 S4 but the 200q20v with the same color combo won
out. (At the end she threw out the idea of an RS6... unfortunately she
was joking!)

If anyone is near Commerce City, Colorado and would be willing to look
over a car for us we'd really appreciate it!

91 200q20v 130k
93 urS4 165k

in the family
87 5ktqa ~260k on life support
92 100cs - 180k
98 A4 1.8tq - 85k (the baby)

92 100s
91 100s
85 5kt 5spd
86 4000csq
84 4kq
74 100
72 100

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