Gonna do the drive (was 1995 S6 problems/issues? AND auto shipping from VT to CO)

Douglas Fifield douglas.fifield at gmail.com
Sat Jul 29 22:21:16 EDT 2006


Best of luck.  Remember, you've got a place in the Twin Cities if you need it.


On 7/29/06, Tom Winter <tom at freeskier.com> wrote:
> Well, I've researched shippers (didn't give me a lot of confidence: huge
> variations in price, no ability to commit to an exact pick-up date and few -
> if any - companies seemed to know where Vermont was).
> I seriously considered Chris at Force 5's offer to drive it for a small
> token ($$) of appreciation plus expenses. Sorry that it didn't work out,
> Chris. But your wife will be happy to have you around next weekend on her
> birthday.
> I crunched the numbers and found cheap airfare to Vermont. Driving will cost
> me time, but much less $$ than any other option. Plus I'll get to play with
> the new toy. My big work deadline is on Wed of next week, so I won't have to
> hit the panic button if something goes wrong and my return is delayed.
> So, yes, I'm gonna do the drive.
> I'll be picking the car up very late on Friday, August 4. Will try to avoid
> deer and get an hour or two in on the road (the time change works in my
> favor, as it will only be 9pm mountain time when the plane lands, so I'll
> still be wide awake).
> Not sure of the exact route I'm going to take, but will keep you guys
> posted. Provisional plans include trying to visit relatives in Appleton, WI,
> so I'll be taking the northerly route.
> I'll keep everyone posted. And yes, the group was right. I should have just
> buckled down and committed to driving from the get go!
> Tom
> Burning plenty o' mixed cds for the S6 road trip.
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Douglas in MN
95.5 Audi S//6 Avant
73 BMW R60/5 mit Toaster Tank

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