has anyone swapped....

Richard J Lebens rick-l at rocketmail.com
Thu Jun 1 14:10:35 EDT 2006

It sounds like your hydraulic accumulator is losing its charge of
nitrogen.  The output of the pump goes to the brake servo and an
accumulator.  The accumulator acts like a big capacitor in the
electrical world.  The accumulator stores energy by having the pump
compress a gas in a chamber with the fluid.  When you stab the brakes
the assist is supposed to draw energy, above the transient capabilities
of the pump, from the accumulator.  If it does not store enough energy
or you require too much energy, a long high fluid volume stroke, the
pressure falls below minimum and the light flashes on.

Now the squishy pedal has nothing to do with the power assist.  However
if you had a marginal accumulator and air in your brake lines so that
when you pushed down the pedal a lot of fluid was required I guess it
could turn the light on.  How many power assists do you get with the
engine off?

--- tmb <the_questionist at yahoo.com> wrote:

> a hydraulic pump from a 5000 into a 200?
> i have, and i'm curious to know if that's likely
> the reason why the little red indicator on the
> dash flashes on when i hit my brakes.
> the brakes work fine, tho the pedal is a bit
> squooshy.  i will be swapping the pump out in a
> few weeks' time to test my theory, but if anyone
> has experience with this that they can share
> before i go thru the hassle of swapping, it would
> be hugely appreciated.
> jason
> tmb
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