while we're talking LAC...

Tessie McMillan tessmc at drizzle.com
Thu Jun 1 20:45:45 EDT 2006

I was on the way home from my doctor's office yesterday on 520 heading 
over Lake Washington. Ordinarily I don't moon along in the slow lane. But 
I had a pain in my jaw & teeth that's been going on a couple days and the 
pain meds my doctor had just given me hadn't yet kicked in. I didn't have 
much concentration left for driving &:-(.

Anyway so this afforded me the opportunity to get passed by an interesting  
car that was being driving somewhat energetically. 

The car was an 80s looking 4 door with hatchback, along the lines of an 
Alfa GTV-6, in a dated dirty mustard color. While thoroughly grimy 
and perhaps not styled 100% to my taste, the engine had a very aggressive 
note to it and I felt compelled to follow the car for a while. I got 
close enough to see the badge "Rover" and "V-8" before the guy really put 
the hammer down and I just didn't want to follow any further. (Thank 
goodness I see an endodontist tomorrow; I can't take much more of this.)

Does anyone know anything about these cars? I did a little searching on 
the net and think I might have been looking at a Rover SD1, but that 
doesn't tell me anything.

in Bellevue, WA USA
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