while we're talking LAC...

Geraint Lloyd geraintlloyd_qc at yahoo.ca
Thu Jun 1 21:10:28 EDT 2006

was it one of these?


if you read the buyer's guide it suggests some
problems with corrosion 
and 'minor electrical niggles'. the author is
evidently a deluded 
masochist (but hey, that's just my opinion)

the SD1s were used by the UK police for a while, but
then the 'minor 
electrical niggles' of the SD1 may be one of the
reasons that the UK 
police now favour volvo T5 awd estates.

as  i remember, the build quality was good by austin
rover standards, 
which translates as "pretty abysmal really" compared
to the germans
the 'minor electrical niggles' translates as joe lucas
at his very best.
If your man on the 520 has one, he also has a PhD in
electrics and 
shares in a copper mine.

there were heaps of these in scrap yards way before
the type 81s and 43s 
started to get binned and during my time at uni, not
even studentd were 
dumb enough to lumber themselves with one

definitely not "vorsprung durch technik"

the only good bit would be the old buick v8 that BMC
bought in the 60s (?)


Tessie McMillan wrote:
> I was on the way home from my doctor's office
yesterday on 520 heading 
> over Lake Washington. Ordinarily I don't moon along
in the slow lane. But 
> I had a pain in my jaw & teeth that's been going on
a couple days and the 
> pain meds my doctor had just given me hadn't yet
kicked in. I didn't have 
> much concentration left for driving &:-(.
> Anyway so this afforded me the opportunity to get
passed by an interesting  
> car that was being driving somewhat energetically. 
> The car was an 80s looking 4 door with hatchback,
along the lines of an 
> Alfa GTV-6, in a dated dirty mustard color. While
thoroughly grimy 
> and perhaps not styled 100% to my taste, the engine
had a very aggressive 
> note to it and I felt compelled to follow the car
for a while. I got 
> close enough to see the badge "Rover" and "V-8"
before the guy really put 
> the hammer down and I just didn't want to follow any
further. (Thank 
> goodness I see an endodontist tomorrow; I can't take
much more of this.)
> Does anyone know anything about these cars? I did a
little searching on 
> the net and think I might have been looking at a
Rover SD1, but that 
> doesn't tell me anything.
> Tess
> in Bellevue, WA USA
>  -- 
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