What is the life expectancy of a fuel pump relay?

Kneale Brownson kneale at coslink.net
Sat Jun 10 07:54:50 EDT 2006

I had one fail shortly before the fuel pump finally failed.  I suspect it
was the original fuel pump with about 175K use.  Pump ran a bit after
replacing the relay and then died.  After replacement, the old pump
wouldn't run at all with 12 volts to it.  I think the failing pump put too
much draw through the relay, causing it to fail.

At 07:21 AM 6/10/2006 -0400, Grant Lenahan wrote:
>I have not heard of many failing.
>in a previous life I also (re) designed some products that had power 
>relays.  Often as not, a replacement would fail where the original 
>would not.  I'd leave well enough alone. Its nto that hard anyway, 
>giggle elsewhere.
>On Jun 9, 2006, at 9:42 PM, Al S wrote:
>> I have a little over 204K in my 1990 80. Is it time to replace a part 
>> that
>> hasn't failed yet, just for giggles? Or leave it until it dies. Should 
>> I
>> even concern myself?
>> Thanks,
>> Al Streicher
>> Mililani, Hawaii
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