Car advice

Grant Lenahan glenahan at
Sat Jun 10 10:41:06 EDT 2006

I really liked my S4 ('00), and wished that I had an avant.

The TT is not nearly as substantial, although its a bit more tossable 
than the S4.  Its basically a fancy golf, so you know the good and bad 

I found it very solid and reliable.  The only issues I know of are the 
turbos (small, delicate, but if cared for, just fine) and the tie-rods 
and control arms (bushings).  You probably know THAT drill.

Comfortable, fun, practical.  Of course, not an ideal A-X car, since 
its a nose-heavy audi after all.  But the S4s really scoot off the 
line, whcih helps a lot.

Oh yea, clutches are durable but VERY expensive. $2000-2500.


On Jun 10, 2006, at 9:14 AM, Lee Levitt wrote:

> I'm starting to think about picking up another car, and I'd like some
> advice.
> First off, it WILL be an Audi, so lets get that out of the way :)
> I'm looking for something that gets better gas mileage than my '99 A6,
> something that I can both use as an every day commuter car and as an
> occasional autocrosser and maybe track car.
> I'm thinking about either an A4 or an S4 or possibly a TT. If its 
> either of
> the first two, I'd probably get an avant.
> I'm looking to spend less than $20K. Obviously it will be used.
> Thoughts (reliability, fuel economy, years/models to avoid)?
> Lee
> '99 A6 quattro avant
> '96 A6 quattro avant
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