B3 90Q - CIS E III - Too Much Fuel Pressure?

Bob Gregory rggpa1 at yahoo.com
Sat Jun 17 17:29:37 EDT 2006

L DC et al.,

I was able to get 2 known good CIS III systems (i.e.,
everything that is attached to the top of the air box)
one of which includes known good injectors.  Being
somewhat lazy, I have installed one complete system,
but kept my old injectors.  If flooding continues,
will replace injectors.

My initial dealer diagnosis (in addition to
flooding/hi fuel pressure) found melting at the fuse
box, which is unrelated to the CIS, but also needs to
be fixed.  All 3 wire connectors/housings containing
leads involved with the rad coolant fan show some
signs of overheating, and one of the housings is major
cooked and must be replaced.

Costs to date:

Dealer diagnosis: 0.5 hour = $42.50
#1 - CIS III parts (w/injectors)- eBay = $48.00
#2 - CIS III parts - eBay = $58.00 delivered
Used fuse box - Force5automotive - $20.00 + shipping

So rather than heavy diagnosis, I am just replacing.
The hi fuel pressure suggested to me either the fuel
pressure regulator or the differential FPR. Hopefully
my way gets it fixed, altho I may never know what
exactly was wrong.  Relatively cheap tho!

'88 90q

--- L DC <ldc007usa at yahoo.com> wrote:

> Huhhh
> An interesting thought Bob. Are you going to R&R
> with
> new ones or known good fuel injectors?

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