It did'nt crank/start :(

E. Roy Wendell IV erwendell at
Fri Mar 3 17:32:46 EST 2006

>> Would a ground between the engine block hole where it
>> meets the tranny and where it hooks up for engine
>> hoisting to say, a split ground one wire running to
>> somewhere in the chasis and the other to the little
>> strap that hooks up to the engine mount, do the trick?
>> That could even be a permanent ground.
>> I don't want to take that engine mount out again if I
>> don't have to.
>> I will, however, take the starter back out and strip
>> the paint where it makes contact with the
>> engine/tranny.
>> The car was running fine, except for the PW hose leak
>> before I embarked in the painting/ replacing rubber,
>> gaskets project.
>> TIA again,
>> -Louis
> I'm not entirely sure which holes, points you are referring to. The  
> transmission grounds via the engine so connecting engine to  
> transmission does no good and they are already connected at the  
> bell housing anyway. Connecting any good ground point on the drive  
> train to either the jumper at the mount arm end or directly to the  
> chassis ground stud would work. Because of the longer length you  
> are looking at either 6 ga.  or greater cable with the appropriate  
> large lugs on a bolt of size M6 or better. Any smaller on the lug  
> or wire and you won't have the current carrying capacity. Starter  
> current, though brief, is in the hundreds of amps.
> E. Roy Wendell IV
> erwendell at
> Too many type 44 tq
> A pair of MR2s

Forgot so say, I'd seriously consider just removing the mount arm and  
sanding the paint off the mating surface. The main component in the  
way is the injector cooling fan as I recall but the way the type 44  
engine bay is put together it might be just as easy to remove the  
whole motor : ) I would seriously consider the temporary jumper as a  
test to make sure you really have a problem. You have no doubt  
compromised the grounding but I would have thought that the bolts  
would do the job. While you had the mount arm off did you check to  
see if the actual rubber mount was in one piece? They have a nasty  
habit of separating and you can't tell without actually removing if.  
If you're already there.....

E. Roy Wendell IV
erwendell at
Too many type 44 tq
A pair of MR2s

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