Wheel bolt woes

John Larson j.d.larson at verizon.net
Wed Mar 8 15:08:26 EST 2006

Larry wrote: Yeah, but how do you bottom them out in an Audi hub?

Other people wrote similar silliness, and it's been snipped

When I was involved in building SCCA 356 motors, we helicoiled EVERY 
female thread in the engine case and heads.  Helicoils are MUCH stronger 
than the parent metal, especailly in light metals or cast iron.  I 
repair wheel hubs with them often.  You don't have to "bottom out" a 
helicoil, or a timesert, for that matter.  They're NOT MADE to be 
bottomed out!  In fact, most often, the hole is much deeper than the 
length of the coil.  14mm coils come in at least 2 common lengths, maybe 
more.  If the coil is too long for the application, we just cot off 
enough coils to sataify the needs of the job.  It is, of course, VERY 
important to use the correct drill size, install the insert straight, 
and break off the tab with a punch.  Improperly installed coils, while 
they may be OK, aren't gonna be as strong as a job properly done. Hope 
this answer clears up some of the fuzziness out there!  John 	

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