LAC Using an FM Transmitter/MP3 Player: BAD!

George Selby gselby4x4 at
Wed Mar 8 16:18:10 EST 2006

>When the FM transmitter on my XM Roady died, I tried replacing it with an 
>iRiver generic transmitter unit.  It was horrible, static was prevalent, 
>and low signal strength.  I just ended up buying a Roady 2, as that was 
>cheaper than getting a replacement FM transmitter for my original 
>Roady.  The new transmitter in the Roady 2 (and my Roady XT they gave me 
>free) both work great.  I think a built in transmitter (or transmitter 
>built by the same people as the audio unit) is less prone to problems than 
>a generic unit designed to work with any audio source.  At least that's 
>been my experience.

George Selby 

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