Diff locks color tubing decoded

Louis-Alain Richard laraa at sympatico.ca
Wed Mar 8 23:08:19 EST 2006

I have the switch here in front of me: the "fuse" is a plastic thingy
that is there only to make sure you plug the rubber connector the
correct way. There is the same "fuse" molded in the rubber part, but
opposite to the plastic one. 


I guess this is a case of bad translation from a word in German. 





-----Message d'origine-----
De : Alex Kowalski [mailto:hypereutectic1 at gmail.com] 
No, it's bizarre:  it distinctly says "fuse" and it's unlike any fuse
I've ever seen.  I can't even tell what the purpose of having a "fuse"
there would be, since there doesn't appear to be any kind of electrical
connection.  Now I'm going to have to disassemble my switch to figure
out what it is, unless someone can clue me in.  Diagram is attached in
separate message. 


Does it specifically say "fuse" or is it just an odd looking schematic
icon of some sort?  Because if it is on the "source" vacuum line, it 
might just be a check valve.

Huw Powell

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