Fwd: Hey Brett, What Crawled Up Your Bunghole? WAS LAC Using an FM Transmitter/MP3 Player: BAD!

Ryan C Moone moone924 at yahoo.com
Fri Mar 10 01:52:16 EST 2006

That's real shit you write. I'm the least like you all and probably furthest from Brett's views than any of you (look for me on the latest NBC special) yet Iike reading Brett's posts. He is opinionated and not afraid to show it, he's stronge with his beliefs, and that's a lot better than the average american with no beliefs other than the TV's.

This list is about cars, express your views, but don't let someone elses psuh you away from the cars you love, just as your's won't push them away from there's.

Ryan Moon

Alex Kowalski <hypereutectic1 at gmail.com> wrote: Forwarded message.  I'll gladly abandon this list if Brett continues to be
the spokesperson.  I have no interest in being a part of such a list, giving
money to it, or supporting anyone that does so.

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Alex Kowalski 
Date: Mar 10, 2006 1:12 AM
Subject: Re: Hey Brett, What Crawled Up Your Bunghole? WAS LAC Using an FM
Transmitter/MP3 Player: BAD!
To: Mark R speedracer.mark at gmail.com

 I'm sick of the guy.  He obviously has a political agenda in almost
everything he writes on the list now, and I don't agree with him, and I most
certainly don't agree with his politics.  If he wants to continue to be a
list administrator, fine, I can certainly do without the Audifans list
running under his aegis.  I'll just stop contributing time and money to the
list, and Brett can continue his anti-corporate leftist BS until he's blue
in the face.  I'm not upset about polarizing this situation in the slightest
-- I hope some people on this list that actually work for corporations like
CompUSA and others get on his back or at the very least walk away from this

He's a lefty piece of crap, and that's my frank opinion of him.  If he wants
to keep it up, and keep infusing his Chomskyesque baloney into everything he
writes, fine.  Let him go write a car column for Democracy NOW! and become
one of Amy Goodman's pals.  But I've read enough of his garbage over the
past two years to realize that he's a spoiled little brat with a superiority
complex and I'm sick and tired of him.  Brett is the polarizing figure here,
not me.  He has a long history of this and I have at least one person who
thanked me for speaking up the other day.  It's about time that someone told
him that not everyone on the Quattro List is a lapsed Unitarian Universalist
Mac-using Linux Kernel developing, anti-corporate leftist.  And if he
doesn't get that message, it's his fault.


 On 3/10/06, Mark R  wrote:
>  Alex,
> I hope this thead dies now.  I don't always agree with Brett's personal
> views or his putting them out on the list, especially since he's a list
> administrator.  In fact, Brett often asks us to trim posts, minimize
> bandwidth, etc.  Yet he adds totally (or nearly) off-topic rants.
> Personally, I'd ask him to be a bit more introspective.  Even if I didn't
> know Brett personally and know he's a genuinely nice individual, I still
> wouldn't call him (in reference to the above) a "hypocrite."  That would
> just flame a person and polarize a situation.  Instead, I'd respectfully ask
> Brett to be more judicious with his personal rants on the list.  I'd hope
> anyone would offer me the same courtesy if they feel this or any of my
> other posts are inappropriate.
> That said, there's no excuse to attack a list member.  At best, it's a
> flame.  At worst, it's childish.  Either way, it serves no real purpose
> other than to make the lister (and therefore the list membership) appear to
> be petty.  Frankly, I've had the pleasure of meeting a lot of listers.  On
> and off the list, as a group, I know we're much better than this.
> Best wishes to all,
> Mark Rosenkrantz
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